Please post 2 or more peer responses In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion

Please post 2 or more peer responses

In the response posts, remember to demonstrate you have read and understood the student’s post by taking their discussion to the next level through your responses to the following:

· Using your peer’s chosen foods, discuss any complications of acidity or alkalinity of foods on another organ or system in the body.

· How do acids and bases relate to your working environment?  (For instance, you could consider the chemicals in a cleaning solution.)

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Apple, Honey Crisp specifically 

Tastes: tart and sweet, strong flavor 

Smells: Sweet, aromatic, fruity 

Looks: Shiny, smooth on the outside, red and yellow, stem 

PH: 3.30-4.00 

How apples contribute to pH/Organs/Affects in the body: 

Helath Benefits of apples: 

1. Pectin, which is found in apples, reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease. 

1. Apples also contain antioxidants that can reduce your risk of cancer. 

1. The ursolic acid found in apple skins may assist with fat loss and increased muscle growth. 

Pectin may also help remove harmful toxins from the body, shrink or prevent gallstones, delay the absorption of glucose in people with diabetes
Also: Antioxidant flavonoids found in apples can limit or prevent oxidation caused by free radicals. This can prevent future cell damage from occurring. 



Taste: tangy, sweet, sour 

Smells: strong, citrusy, aromatic 

Looks: orange, round, shiny thick peel on the outside, meaty tender inside 

PH: 3.69-4.34 

Benefits of oranges: 

High in fiber, vitamin C, low in calories, and high in folate. 

Vitamin C helps in immune function, collagen synthesis, and iron absorption 

Fiber helps digestive system by helping with beneficial gut bacteria and supporting regularity. Plus, fiber rich diets help by decreasing the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and obesity. 

Caveat to apple juice and orange juice: You need to drink it with a straw due to the acidity content, and it can damage teeth. However, if it doesn’t aggravate GI symptoms, they are considered healthy and known to reduce chronic disease risk. Fun fact, despite their initial acidity, most fruits are alkalizing. 



Tastes: Sweet, sometimes bland 

Smells: Sweet, or no smell 

Looks: Shiny, smooth on the outside, yellow. Small 

PH: 5.90-7.50 

How corn contributes to pH/Organs/Affects in the body: 

Nutrients Corn provide: 
-Protein -fiber -copper -zinc  
-vitamin B-6 -Potassium -niacin 

Helath Benefits of corn: 
-helps eye health due to its lutein and zeaxanthin content 
-provides several helpful antioxidants 
-prevents diverticular disease and lower LDL due to its high fiber content 

Works Cited

Healthline Media. (n.d.). 
Tips for limiting acidic foods. Healthline.

Kubala, J. (2023, April 20). 
Oranges 101: Health Benefits and nutrition facts. Healthline.

McDermott, A. (2023, April 14). 
Apples and acid reflux: Does it work?. Healthline.

Wells, D. (2019, April 26). 
Is corn a vegetable?. Healthline.

Pistachio nuts
Taste: Smooth, slightly sweet, nutty
Smell: Earthy
Appearance: Brightly green with purple hues

Despite their popularity as a nut, pistachios are actually botanically classified as seeds! (Laguaite, 2023) They have a pH value that ranges between 6.08 and 6.44, and are considered as slightly more acidic than neutral, though their exact pH value is dependent on harvesting time. (Sahan & Bozkurt, 2020) Pistachios are made up of 20% protein, providing one of the higher calorie-to-protein ratio of most nuts, as well as being a great source of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. (Laguaite, 2023) Potassium is an essential mineral to the body; it helps nerves, muscles and the heart’s function while also acting as a transportation vessel to move nutrients and waste around the body and its cells. (Healthdirect, 2023) Due to their high quantities of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, pistachios are also linked to health cholesterol levels and reduced risk of heart disease. (Laguaite, 2023) Being a low acid/neutral food, pistachios are considered part of a more alkaline diet. Research suggests that this type of diet may help to preserve bone and muscle tissue and is especially beneficial in limiting muscle loss, strengthening memory and alertness, and helping an individual live longer. (Ashpari & Ajmera, 2023)

Taste: Earthy, rich, bitter
Smell: Caramel, nutty
Appearance: Dark brown, almost black appearance

Coffee has an acidic pH range of 4.85 to 5.10, though its acidity is dependent on the abundance of present hydrogen ions; the more hydrogen ions within the coffee, the more acidic it will be. Both duration and temperature affect coffee’s acidity in the form of chlorogenic and quinic acids. Chlorogenic acids are the one of the main types of acid in coffee and broken down in the roasting process, such that a darker roast will have lower acidity than a lighter roast. Quinic acids, however, are produced as chlorogenic acids oxidize in the roasting process. As chlorogenic acid levels lower in a longer roast, quinic acid levels rise, contributing to the sour or bitter taste. Lighter roasts are usually higher in acidity. (Di Stefano, 2022) Because of coffee’s low pH levels, it can increase the stomach’s acidity by contributing more acid to what is already highly-acidic stomach acid. Coffee’s additional acidity may aggravate certain health conditions in some consumers, resulting in acid reflux, gastric ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). (Preiato, 2019)

Taste: lightly sweet, watery, earthy
Smell: fresh, green
Appearance: dark green smooth skin, light green to white flesh

Cucumbers are alkaline, with a pH value of approximately 5.12-5.78. Thanks to their high water consistency, despite their pH reading as slightly acidic, it is their water content that makes them more alkaline. Additionally, cucumbers also contain a large amount of potassium. In referencing the pistachio nuts from earlier in this post, which also were alkaline and contained potassium, cucumbers are an alkalizing food. Due to its alkaline level, cucumbers can help combat acidity within the body. (Techie Scientist, 2024) Because of the high water content within cucumbers, they are helpful in aiding digestion and can lessen the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. In combination with their potassium content, the water and alkalizing potassium make cucumbers a useful dietary choice for reducing gas as they lower the acidity of the digestive tract. (Ewan, 2022)

Evidence suggests that a diet too high in acid-producing foods may cause acidity in your urine, resulting in the formation of uric acid kidney stones as well as other negative health effects. Consumption of foods that are highly acidic can also cause bone and muscle deterioration. This is due to the fact our bones contain calcium which the body uses as reserves to balance and restore blood’s pH value when it becomes too acidic. Continued consumption of acidic food and drinks, commonly found darker sodas that are high in phosphoric acids, deplete the calcium storage of your bones. This has been linked to lower bone density as well as an increased risk for cancer, liver problems, and heart disease. It is important to consider a balanced diet that includes alkalizing foods like fruits and vegetables to aid in the body’s natural pH balance. (Ashpari & Ajmera, 2023)


Ashpari, Z., & Ajmera, R. (2023, October 20). 
Tips for Limiting Acidic Foods. Healthline.

Di Stefano, N. (2022, August 16). 
Acidity in Coffee: How Much Is There? PrimoCafe.

Ewan, L. (2022, October 12). 
Are Cucumbers Acidic? Is Cucumber Good For Acid Reflux? The Tart Tart.

Laguaite, M. (2023, August 28). 
Health Benefits of Pistachios. WebMD.

Healthdirect (2023, June). 
Potassium and your health.

Preiato, D. (2019, November 6). 
Is Coffee Acidic? Healthline.

Sahan, A., & Bozkurt, H. (2020). Effects of harvesting time and irrigation on aroma active compounds and quality parameters of pistachio. 
Scientia Horticulture

Techie Scientist (2024, June 12). 
PH of Cucumber – Acidic or Alkaline? Techie Scientist.

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